

SYTTechTalks is a series of webinar talks on tech-related topics, organized by SpaceYaTech community members to get to learn from an expert in a given field in tech from Frontend Development, Backend Development, Database Management, Product Design, Technical Writing, Open-Source, Data Science, Career Development, Job Search, Technical Interviews among others. The talks are open to anyone interested in learning more about technology and any expert or community member willing to share his/her knowledge.

Here are some of the benefits of attending #SYTTechTalks:

  • Learn about the latest trends and technologies in the technology industry

  • Network with other professionals in the technology industry

  • Get inspired by experts in their field

  • Stay up-to-date on the latest industry news

  • Gain new skills and knowledge

Speaker Request and Details

Experts in the different tech areas who are interested in speaking are allowed to fill in a form for them to be considered, on the form they get to introduce themselves, to the specific topic and area of tech they would be interested in speaking about.

Speakers are allowed to present during their webinar sessions and they can have demo sessions if it's a technical topic. Past webinar sessions have seen an average of 60 attendees per session.

How to Apply and Join the SYTTechTalks EventList

  • If you’re interested in speaking you can register here and can also register for the upcoming webinar to join our mailing list.

View Past #SYTTechTalks

View Past #SYTDjango and Python Sessions

For specific inquiries in regards to the #SYTTechTalks, mentorship via MentorLst for beginners/mentors, and collaboration with the community you can reach out to SpaceYaTech on Twitter, or the hosts Lawrence Juma, Jimmy Tron, or Sharon Jebitok